Introduction to Logics
- Álvaro Revolledo Novoa (UNMSM, PE)
- CERSEU Letras
- Vicedecanato de Investigación y Posgrado de Letras
- Maestría en Filosofía con mención Epistemología
- Miguel Angel Merma Mora (UNMSM, PE)
- Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, PE)
- Verónica Borja Macías (UTM, MX)
November 17-19, 2021, from 17:00 to 19:30 (Peruvian time).
- Spanish
This symposium on epistemology aims to establish a dialogue on the various ways of studying logic as a philosophical discipline based on the articulation of recent research and the discussion of these relationships from contemporary problems. In this way, this event will provide an introduction to aspects related to first-order logic, non-classical logics and the relationship between logic and programming, which will be presented in a divulgation tone, but with a technical language.
Wednesday, November 17
Miguel Angel Merma Mora (UNMSM, PE)
Commentator: Julio Cesar Silva Cespedes (UNMSM, PE)
Thursday, November 18
Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, PE)
Commentator: Adrian Albert Quezada Pebe (UNMSM, PE)
Friday, November 19
Commentator: Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, PE)