
Colloquium 300 Years of Immanuel Kant

Organising Committee Jorge Luis Carrera Honores (UNFV, PE / SEPLO, PE) Jorge Enrique Sarango Zárate (UNFV, PE) Luis Francisco Estrada Pérez (UNFV, PE) Teresa Loayza Lozano (UNFV, PE) José Delgado Mejía (UNFV, PE) Luis F. Bartolo Alegre (MCMP, LMU, DE / SEPLO, PE) Venue & Date Lima, UNFV, 23-25 September 2024 (in person and online) […]

Call: First South American Logic Meeting (SALOME 1)

We are pleased to announce the first South American Logic Meeting (SALOME 1), to be held in Cusco, Peru. This event will take place from 12th to 15th January 2024 at the National University of Saint Anthony the Abbot in Cuzco (UNSAAC) and will bring together esteemed researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts of logic (broadly understood) from South America and other parts of the world.

WLD 2023: Logics and their Motivations

World Logic Day 2023 Organisers Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, PE) José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta (UCM/URJC, ES) Institutions Society for Epistemology and Logic ‒ SEPLO (PE) Epistemology Association from the UCM (ES) Speakers Hajnal Andréka & Istvan Nemeti (RIM, HU) Víctor Aranda (UCM, ES) Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, PE) Jean Christian Egoavil (UP, PE) […]

WLD/I&R 2022: On the Trace of Logic, Reason, and Math

World Logic Day / Inceptiones et Receptiones 2022 Organisers Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre, Fabiola Valeria Cárdenas Maldonado, Luis Carrera Honores, Miguel Angel Merma Mora, and Álvaro Revolledo Novoa (UNMSM, PE) Institutions CERSEU Letras (UNMSM, PE) Vicedecanato de Investigación y Posgrado de Letras (UNMSM, PE) Maestría en Filosofía con mención Epistemología (UNMSM, PE) Centre Atlantique de […]

Introduction to Logics

This colloquium on epistemology aims to establish a dialogue on the various ways of studying logic as a philosophical discipline based on the articulation of recent research and the discussion of these relationships from contemporary problems.

Relations between Language, Truth, and Logic

This international epistemology colloquium aims to establish a dialogue on the relationships between language, truth and logic, based on the articulation of recent research and the discussion of these relationships from contemporary problems. In this way, this event will allow to know and identify areas of current philosophical interest, which will be exposed in a divulgative tone, but with a technical language.

WLD 2021: The Heterodox in Logic and Reason

The proclamation of the World Logic Day (14 January) by the UNESCO, in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies, aims to draw attention to the intellectual history, conceptual significance, and practical implications of logic among interdisciplinary scientific communities and the general public. To this end, the Society for Epistemology and Logic is organising The Heterodox in Logic and Reason, our first event for the World Logic Day, between 13 and 16 January 2021. This event will mainly feature talks based on the legacy of José Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias (1918-2019), who was the most important Peruvian philosopher of logic and mathematics.

Logic Prize 2021

We call on all persons dedicated to logic and affiliated to any Peruvian academic institution to compete in the first edition of the Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias Logic Prize. The prize is awarded to the best unpublished article (6 000 words) written in any area of logic, including, but not limited to: propositional logic, logical algebra, model theory, applied logic, informal logic, argumentation theory, non-classical logics, logic of science, philosophy of logic, logic didactics, history of logic, logical analysis of language.

Inconsistency in Factual Science (Creativity 2019)

In the workshop Inconsistency in Factual Science (IiFS) we discuss the problem that inconsistency poses to factual/empirical science, and what would it mean to accept inconsistent science. This includes the three types of inconsistency advanced by Gotesky, Bartelborth and Priest: i.e. inconsistencies (i) between a theory and data, (ii) between two different theories, and (iii) internal to a theory.

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