Logic Prize 2021
Submission deadline: Sunday, 1 November 2020
Planned date for the announcement of the winner: End of November
Award ceremony: 14 January 2021
- Verónica Borja Macías (UTM, Mexico)
- Walter Alexandre Carnielli (Unicamp, Brazil)
- Aldo Figallo-Orellano (UNS, Argentina / Unicamp, Brazil)
- David Villena Saldaña (UNMSM, Peru / LN, Hong Kong)
Rafael Félix Mora Ramirez (UNFV)
We call on all persons dedicated to logic and affiliated to any Peruvian academic institution to compete in the first edition of the Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias Logic Prize.
The prize is awarded to the best unpublished article (6000 words) written in any area of logic, including, but not limited to:
Propositional logic
Logical algebra
Model theory
Applied logic
Informal logic
Argumentation theory
- Non-classical logics
- Logic of science
- Philosophy of logic
- Logic didactics
- History of logic
- Logical analysis of language

Participants must submit an unpublished paper written in Spanish or English.
The prize, in addition to being an honour, will finance the winner’s participation in the UNILOG 2021 congress (Crete, Greece) to present the paper, and its publication in the journal Logica Universalis, indexed in Scopus.

The authors of the winning article and others selected will be invited to present their contributions at the first SEPLO event for the World Logic Day.
Results of the contest

Press Reports (in Spanish)