Epistemological analysis of the Grounded Theory


Fabiola Valeria Cárdenas Maldonado (UNMSM)


Mg. Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM)


In this research project, I intend to make a rational reconstruction of the grounded theory, which is a methodological programme of great importance within the so-called qualitative research. The main assumption of this programme is that theories should emerge from data in a process that depends more on reality than on the conjectures of researchers. Although this conception seems contrary to the falsificationist tradition, I propose that it has parallels with some of Popper’s ideas. This analysis would allow us to anticipate some of the consequences of the expansion of the grounded theory in social research.


methodological programme, qualitative research, falsificationism, pragmatism

  • 2020. “Análisis epistemológico de la grounded theory. Reconstrucción de un programa metodológico en la investigación social” (Epistemological analysis of grounded theory. Reconstruction of a methodological programme in social research). Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia, 19(39), 175-90. DOI: 10.18270/rcfc.v19i39.2758
Project period

July 1, 2019 — Ongoing

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