Colloquium 300 Years of Immanuel Kant
Jorge Luis Carrera Honores (UNFV, PE / SEPLO, PE)
Jorge Enrique Sarango Zárate (UNFV, PE)
Luis Francisco Estrada Pérez (UNFV, PE)
Teresa Loayza Lozano (UNFV, PE)
José Delgado Mejía (UNFV, PE)
Luis F. Bartolo Alegre (MCMP, LMU, DE / SEPLO, PE)
- Spanish
- English
The Philosophy School and Department at the Faculty of Humanities of the National University Federico Villarreal (UNFV, Peru), in association with the Society for Epistemology and Logic (SEPLO, Peru), are honoured to invite the entire academic community and the general public to participate in the Colloquium 300 Years of Immanuel Kant. This event commemorates the tricentennial of the birth of the renowned German philosopher Immanuel Kant, whose contributions have left an indelible mark on philosophical thought and the history of humanity.
Immanuel Kant is widely recognised for his seminal works such as Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Practical Reason, and Critique of Judgement, which have transformed our understanding of epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. His critical philosophy, particularly his theory of knowledge and deontological ethics, has profoundly influenced how we conceive the relationship between experience and knowledge, as well as the moral principles that guide our actions.
This event’s talks will explore Kant’s life, work, and legacy, and reflect on his relevance in the contemporary context. This colloquium is a unique opportunity to enrich our understanding and celebrate the enduring impact of one of the greatest thinkers in philosophy worldwide. The event will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for both in-person and virtual participation, to facilitate access for interested parties from various regions.
Monday 23/9, Morning — Talks in person & in Spanish
10:30-11:00 (PE)
Enrique Sarango
11:00-11:45 (PE)
The dreams of metaphysics in the face of the limits of meaning
Carmen Zavala
11:45-12:30 (PE)
Analysis of some contemporary arguments against Kant’s ‘On Perpetual Peace’.
Monday 23/9, Afternoon — Talks in person & in Spanish
Alessandro Caviglia Marconi
14:30-15:15 (PE)
Notes on Immanuel Kant’s concept of rational religion
Richard Orozco
15:15-16:00 (PE)
Kant, reason without ties
16:00-16:15 (PE)
Franklin Ibañez
16:15-17:00 (PE)
Do only rational people have dignity?
Tuesday 24/9, Morning — Talks online & in Spanish
Julia Muñoz
9:00-9:45 (PE)
The Kantian limits of tourism in a globalised era
9:45-10:00 (PE)
Sabela Martínez González
10:00-10:30 (PE)
The counter-movement of existence. On the critical foundation of Heideggerian hermeneutics
Luis Placencia García
10:30-11:00 (PE)
Contradiction, self-distance, maieutics. Socrates in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant
11:00-11:15 (PE)
Federico Ricalde Sánchez
Experience, body and space: Helmholtz’s criticisms of Kant’s notion of intuition
Nicolás Silva Sepúlveda
11:45-12:15 (PE)
A review of Pistorius’s objection to transcendental aesthetics
Tuesday 24/9, Afternoon — Talks online & in Spanish
Octavio Obando Morán
14:00-14:45 (PE)
The process of philosophy in Peru in the light of the Critique of Pure Reason
14:45-15:00 (PE)
Melisa Vivanco, Francisco Martínez Aviña, Evandro Gomes, Luis F. Bartolo Alegre
Round Table: Kant & Logic: Contemporary reflections
15:00-16:30 (PE)
16:30-16:45 (PE)
Pedro E. Sánchez Barrera
16:45-17:15 (PE)
Kant and saudade: the feeling of the sublime in the formation of morality
Felipe Montero
17:15-17:45 (PE)
Towards a Kantian response to Chalmers’s problem of consciousness
Wednesday 25/9 — Talks online & in English
Antonino Drago
9:00-9:45 (PE)
From Leibniz’s labyrinths and Kant’s antinomies to science foundations
9:45-10:O0 (PE)
Michael MacDonald
10:00-10:30 (PE)
Phantom wisdom: Kant and the sophistics of pure reason
David Landy
10:30-11:00 (PE)
Kant and Shepherd on the permanence of substance
Yuval Eytan
11:00-11:30 (PE)
The meaning of Hegel’s rejection of Kant’s conception of happiness
11:30-11:45 (PE)
Liam Ó Beagáin
11:45-12:30 (PE)
Kant & generative linguistics
12:30-12:45 (PE)