WLD 2021: The Heterodox in Logic and Reason
World Logic Day 2021
Event dedicated to the memory Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias
- Fabiola Valeria Cárdenas Maldonado (UNMSM, PE)
- Luis Carrera Honores (UNMSM, PE)
- Miguel Angel Merma Mora (UCSS, PE)
- Andrés Bobenrieth Miserda (UV, CL)
- Verónica Borja Macías (UTM, MX)
- Walter Alexandre Carnielli (Unicamp, BR)
- Manuel Correia Machuca (UC, CL)
- Aldo Figallo-Orellano (UNS, AR / Unicamp, BR)
- Walter B. Redmond (UPAEP, MX)
- María del Rosario Martínez Ordaz (UFRJ, BR)
- David Villena Saldaña (UNMSM, PE / LN, HK)
- Evandro Agazzi (UP, MX)
- Jonas R. Becker Arenhart (UFSC, BR)
- Jean-Yves Béziau (UFRJ, BR)
- Otávio Bueno (UMiami, US)
- José Carlos Cifuentes (UFPR, BR)
- Alberto Cordero Lecca (CUNY, US)
- Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (Unicamp, BR)
- Evandro Luís Gomes (UEM, BR)
- Décio Krause (UFSC/UFRJ, BR)
- María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (UFRJ, BR)
- Walter B. Redmond (UPAEP, MX)
- Óscary Ávila-Hernández (ULA, VE)
- Hilan Bensussan, Agnes Calado, Gregory Carneiro, Emanuel Paiva (UnB, BR)
- Maria Beatrice Buonaguidi (KCL, UK)
- Ludovica Conti (UNIPV, IT)
- Luana Talita da Cruz (UFPel, BR)
- Jean Christian Egoavil Rios (UP, PE)
- Eduardo Oscar Fajardo Jiménez (UNSA, PE)
- Diego Fontanive (EOF Project, IT)
- C. P. Hertogh (CQU, CN)
- Rafael Félix Mora Ramirez (UNMSM, PE)
- Varvara Popova, Lyudmila Sirotkina (IKBFU, RU)
- Pablo Rivas-Robledo (Unisabana, CO)
This event will feature lectures based primarily on the legacy of José Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias (1918-2019), who was the most important Peruvian philosopher of logic and mathematics. He was mainly concerned with constructing a theory of reason adequate for understanding the most important logical and mathematical discoveries of his time: Gödel’s incompleteness theorems and ‘heterodox logics’ (name coined by him). He also coined the name ‘paraconsistent logic’, which designates those logical systems for which the principles of non contradiction and explosion do not hold generally. He has also been a pioneer in the fields of deontic logic and logic of law with his article ‘La lógica del deber ser y su eliminabilidad’ (The logic of ought and its eliminability), written the same year as von Wright’s Deontic Logic (1951).
Jean-Yves Beziau (UFRJ, BR)
Session 1: The legacy of Francisco Miró Quesada (1)
Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (Unicamp, BR)
Evandro Luís Gomes (UEM, BR)
Evandro Agazzi (UP, MX)
One reason, many logics
Thursday, 14 January (World Logic Day)
Session 2: Heterodox logics
Décio Krause (UFSC/UFRJ, BR)
Ludovica Conti (UNIPV, Italy)
Maria Beatrice Buonaguidi (KCL, UK)
Pablo Rivas-Robledo (Unisabana, CO)
Hilan Bensusan, Agnes Calado, Gregory Carneiro, Emanuel Paiva (UnB, Brazil)
Homenaje a Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias
Friday, 15 January
Session 4: Logical culture
Session 5: History of logic
Luana Talita da Cruz (UFPel, BR)
Session 6: The legacy of Francisco Miró Quesada (2)
Saturday, 16 January
Session 7: Theory of reason and argumentation
Session 8: Philosophy of logic(s)
Otávio Bueno (UMiami, US)
Origin of the World Logic Day
On January 14, 2019 was organised the first World Logic Day in about 60 locations all over the world. On the basis of a detailed report, a project was presented by Jean-Yves Béziau, Editor-in-Chief of Logica Universalis and President of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, in April 2019 in Paris, to the Ambassador of Brazil at UNESCO, Maria Edileuza Fontenele Reis, in order for this day to be a UNESCO international days. After the approval by the Brazilian government, the Ambassador presented the project during the meeting of the UNESCO Executive Council, backed by 17 other countries, and it was approved on October 17, 2019. On the basis of the decision of the Executive Council, January 14, was officially proclaimed as the World Logic Day at the 40th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, November 12-27, 2019.
World Logic Day events
To attend, please register using the form below.
Attendance at the event is free for everyone and certificates for speakers are free of charge. However, certificates of attendance will have the following costs:
- General public: S/ 60 or US$ 20
- Students (and general public until January 10): S/ 30 or US$ 10
Please, register through the form below and, if you want a certificate, you can pay us either to our Paypal account or through a bank transfer.
- Paypal account: https://paypal.me/spelorg
- Bank account number: 00389801319490815845
After filling in the form and paying the amount, send us your receipt to dia.logica@seplo.org with the subject ‘Pago’. Also, if you need more information for the bank transfer, please send us an email requesting it to the same address and with the same subject.
Certificates will be electronic and will have a permanent link to our website.