Call: The Heterodox in Logic and Reason
Event and collection dedicated to the memory Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias
- Fabiola Valeria Cárdenas Maldonado (UNMSM, PE)
- Luis Carrera Honores (UNMSM, PE)
- Miguel Angel Merma Mora (UCSS, PE)
South American Journal of Logic, edited by Jean-Yves Béziau and Marcelo Coniglio
- Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, Perú)
- José Carlos Cifuentes (UFPR, Brasil)
- Evandro Agazzi (UP, MX)
- Jonas R. Becker Arenhart (UFSC, BR)
- Jean-Yves Béziau (UFRJ, BR)
- Otávio Bueno (UMiami, US)
- José Carlos Cifuentes (UFPR, BR)
- Alberto Cordero Lecca (CUNY, US)
- Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (Unicamp, BR)
- Evandro Luís Gomes (UEM, BR)
- Décio Krause (UFSC/UFRJ, BR)
- María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz (UFRJ, BR)
- Walter B. Redmond (UPAEP, MX)
Submission deadline: Saturday, 29 August 2020
Notification of acceptance/rejection: Saturday, 28 November 2020
Publication: December 2020
Event: 13-16 January 2021
- Spanish
- English
- Portuguese
José Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias (1918-2019) was the most important Peruvian philosopher of logic and mathematics. He was mainly concerned with constructing a theory of reason adequate for understanding the most important logical and mathematical discoveries of his time: Gödel’s incompleteness theorems and heterodox logics (name coined by him).
He also coined the name paraconsistent logic, which designates those logical systems for which the principles of non contradiction and explosion do not hold generally. He has also been a pioneer in the fields of deontic logic and logic of law with his article “The logic of ought-to-be and its eliminability”, written the same year as von Wright’s Deontic Logic (1951).
We receive works on any logic-related subject. Proposals should be submitted either as (a) extended abstracts (500-1500 words) or as (b) papers (3000-6000 words, including a 200 words abstract). In both cases, submissions should be prepared for blind review; that is, they should omit any reference to the identity of the author, including names, institution, e-mail, etc.
Special collection
- Philosophy of logic and mathematics
- Theory of reason
- Logic and metaphysics
- Non-classical, heterodox, and paraconsistent logics
- Deontic and legal logic
- Pedagogy of logic and mathematics
- History of Latin American logic
- Studies of the Miró Quesada’s works on these topics